The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a campaign as a “connected series of operations designed to bring about a particular result.”

Data Security Systems
Here are a few reasons why you can trust our secure data security systems:
- Passed our first SAS 70 audit in 2005
- Passed the enhanced SSAE 16 audit in January 2012
- Employee data, including demographic changes, location changes, deduction information, and carrier/policy information can be stored at the employee level
- Document storage allows your company to store and access related items such as change forms, termination requests, or other important documents
- Changes in the system are tracked by user and the date and time the change was entered
- Notes can be saved by employee record for others to view so that a history on a specific employee is available for policyholder customer service purposes
- Changes to an employee's record are made in real-time
- Created systems that are HIPPA compliant, SAS 70 secured environments with multiple levels of security for users to view data
- Access can be granted to a single employer or group of employers
- Real-time reporting is available and custom reports can be created as needed

Quality Control
Our benefits agents are continually monitored and given feedback by a quality coach. This ensures our clients receive the most up-to-date information regarding their benefits enrollment and product options.

Counselor Training
Every counselor goes through an in-depth training program. In our program, agents are evaluated on program/product knowledge, professionalism, phone skills and compliance. All counselors are salaried, not commissioned, and are licensed life & health agents. Each counselor is trained to be a coach, advisor, and a friend to the employees calling to enroll in their benefits to eliminate perceived pressure to enroll and to ensure the employee enrolls in the best plan for their lifestyle.